Thursday, December 18, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Jolly!

Happy Holidays to everyone! Sorry that we haven't updated in awhile. Here are some fun things that have occured recently within our family.

We are having a blizzard! Brian told the family that it didn't really snow in Seattle - huh!!! Here are the latest pictures of our backyard. We have about 10 inches of snow. Our poor little bird feeder has snow and no more food.

Our street hasn't been plowed, so it is actually very beautiful! Here is what we see out our front door.
The kids had a blast sledding and using the little snowboard down our driveway. I wasn't concerned about how steep it was since "it doesn't snow in Seattle".

Michael and Morgan decided to taste the snow - to see if it tasted different than Utah snow....

At our ward Christmas Party, Morgan had the opportunity to see Santa. She told him she wanted Littlest Pet Shop toys.

Michael and Morgan also played games. The youth were helping to keep the younger kids entertained by playing games with them. However, I think Michael enjoyed the games more than some of the younger kids!

Michael had a Christmas band concert. He got to play his baritone sax.

The kids built a snowman the first night it snowed, but his head has been slowly sliding farther and farther over... but he is still alive, and now covered with more snow.

Outside it's very icy, our waterfall even started to freeze, so Michael and Brian had to go out and break the ice. Now it is almost covered in snow - but we dont' want the pipes to freeze, so we left it running...


Dena said...

That's just crazy! I guess it makes it feel like Christmas for you guys though!

Smileyhappychan said...

How pretty! Merry Christmas! Gotta love the snow, but not the cold...